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Business Inteligence

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline by integrating Jenkins with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy

n this post, I explain how to use the Jenkins open-source automation server to deploy AWS CodeBuild artifacts with AWS CodeDeploy, creating a functioning CI/CD pipeline. When properly implemented, the CI/CD pipeline is triggered by code changes pushed to your GitHub repo, automatically fed into CodeBuild, then the output is deployed on CodeDeploy. Solution overview The functioning pipeline creates a

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Cloud Computing

AWS Route53 redirect to another domain

HTTP REDIRECTION Issue I want to redirect internet traffic from my root (apex) domain (for instance, to another domain (for instance, How can I do this? Resolution Use the following procedure to redirect your domain. In this example, we redirect to Requirements A hosted zone for the domain that is

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Best Email Marketing Practices with Amazon SES & Sendy

When you start using Amazon SES with Sendy. You get a lot of freedom on sending email newsletter and updates to your subscribers. But, with all these freedom, you need to take of some of the best email marketing practices for making the emails land in inbox of the subscribers, in order to get more

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Bitnami Apache WordPress Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate

Generate And Install A Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate For A Bitnami Application Introduction Let’s Encrypt is a free Certificate Authority (CA) that issues SSL certificates. You can use these SSL certificates to secure traffic to and from your Bitnami application host. This guide walks you through the process of generating a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for

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