Database Management

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Cloud Computing

AWS Aurora Upgrade

Performing major version upgrades for Amazon Aurora MySQL with minimum downtime Amazon Aurora combines the performance and availability of commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. An Aurora DB cluster consists of one or more DB instances connected to a shared and distributed Aurora storage volume. MySQL database major version upgrades can contain database changes

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Cloud Computing

NoSQL Design for DynamoDB

NoSQL database systems like Amazon DynamoDB use alternative models for data management, such as key-value pairs or document storage. When you switch from a relational database management system to a NoSQL database system like DynamoDB, it’s important to understand the key differences and specific design approaches. Differences Between Relational Data Design and NoSQL Relational database

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What is a Document Database?

A document database is designed to store semi-structured data as documents, typically in JSON or XML format. Unlike traditional relational databases, the schema for each non-relational (NoSQL) document can vary, giving Developers, Database Administrators, and IT Professionals more flexibility in organizing and storing application data and reducing storage required for optional values. JSON document support

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What is NoSQL?

NoSQL is a term used to describe high-performance, non-relational databases. NoSQL databases utilize a variety of data models, including document, graph, key-value, and columnar. NoSQL databases are widely recognized for ease of development, scalable performance, high availability, and resilience. Below are several resources to help you get started using NoSQL databases. [fusion_youtube id=”” alignment=”” width=””

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What is a Columnar Database?

A columnar database is optimized for reading and writing columns of data as opposed to rows of data. Column-oriented storage for database tables is an important factor in analytic query performance because it drastically reduces the overall disk I/O requirements and reduces the amount of data you need to load from disk. Like other NoSQL databases, column-oriented databases

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